Saturday, December 29, 2007

a330fc - season 2007


Comrades @ mes-amis,

- Season 2oo7 dah abih dah, we managed to win 21 games out of 33 games;
kira ok ler tuu, kalah 6 games je [4 Sat games yg slalunyer pyr x cukup; vs
Quincher/SS3 PJ/KD11 Vet/Sbg II; another 2 vs Pilihan ESA @ yg half team
bebudak RRI! n ASM]...if HGRPROD xde shf pattern chg, sure byk lg games
bleh main! even maybe ader HPL07 skali...

- We were unbeaten in our 1st 10 games n drew on the 4th game vs ET Utd
[1-1 on o2/o2] whilst lost our 1st game on our 11th game vs Pilihan ESA
[1-2 on o3/o4]...

- Top skorer janguit @ 15 [dia sorang je yg skor sampai 2 digit!] 2nd
Samurai @ Yunn n Botak; 9 gol each...

- We hv 10 cleansheet games with the best run 4 consecutive games without
conceding any gol [16/o2-16/o3 @ ngam2X sebulan!]...worst run @ 5 winless
games! [LDLDD; 14/o7-25/o8]...

- Highest skor deficit game 6-0 [bt Line 0ne]; highest skor game 4-4 @ 8
gol [drew ngan RRI Vet yg x Vet; 1st-alf 4 org je Vet, 2nd-alf langsong xde

- Worst deficit game 0-3 [lost to KD11 Vet; 1 of Sat game yg slalunyer pyr
x cukup! walhal gang jahat buat ler terer maner puuunn]...

- Thn ni o.g. only Latip @ Che'Kalit [vs Quincher; again Sat game pyr x
cukup!] je yg skor gol sendri whilst o.g. sedekah by gang jahat ader 2 gol
[vs SS3 PJ n Line 0ne]...

- 4 gol fm pen @ 2 by Man [vs Line 0ne n Skola-Jepun]; 1 each fm Edie [vs
Sunway Kolej] n Ciko [vs L6 Jr]...

- Hattrick ader 2 games both vs RRI Vet @ Botak [o1/11] n RRI import pyr

- Gang jahat "favorite" @ RRI Vet = 3 games [if included game vs RRI Vet yg
X Vet tuu ler; 5-0; 4-1; 4-4]...2nd fav 4 teams @ Line 0ne [2-0; 6-0], Line
11 [1-0; 2-1], ET Utd [1-1; 2-0] n Blehla [3-2; 2-1] @ 2 games each...

- Bulan paling "productive" ader 2 @ Feb & Nov = 4 games each mth...

- We hv 10 Sat games; won 3 drew 3 n lost 3 CANX games...

- We hv used 10 gk this season @ Bapps [2o games]; Najib [9];
Jana [5]; Elang [5]; Landak [4]; Firdaus Kecik Utility [3]; Bg Lan [2];
Yiow Bulan [2] n 1 game each Roii n Botak...

- Best mth @ Feb - played 4 n won all; worst mth @ Jul [P2;1D;1L] &
Aug [P3;2D;1L]...

- Unproductive games @ 2; vs Quincher [0-2] & KD11 Vet [0-3]...

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬>> a330fc 2oo7 <<¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

update : 28-12-o7

next game: o3-o1-o8 vs oppo tgh carik @ RRI B <> 1750hrs <>

p w d l f a pts
a33ofc 33 21 o6 o6 71 37 69 < +34 >

2oo7 HT FT
o5/o1: vs Htl Concorde fc (3:0) %:% 5-0 <>
12/o1: vs Line 11 fc (1:0) @:+ 1-0 <>
19/o1: vs RRI UMNO fc (2:0) @:+ 2-1 <>
o2/o2: vs ET Utd fc (0:1) +:% 1-1 <>
o9/o2: vs Blehla fc (1:0) @:* 3-2 <>
16/o2: vs Transmile fc (2:0) @:@ 2-0 <>
23/o2: vs Line 0ne fc (1:0) @:@ 2-0 <>
o9/o3: vs Kolej Sunway fc (1:0) *:% 3-0 <>
16/o3: vs RRI Vet fc (?:?) *:* 5-0 <>
3o/o3: vs L6 JR fc (1:0) @:* 1-1 <>
o3/o4: vs Pilihan ESA fc (0:2) @:% 1-2 <>
2o/o4: vs Avio Wshop fc (?:?) %:% 3-1 <>
o4/o5: vs Blehla fc (0:0) @:# 2-1 <>
12/o5: vs Dusun KD7 fc (1:0) @:& 1-0 <>
19/o5: vs Klg Drvr Utd fc - GAME CANX @ QUOTA PYR X CUKUP -
26/o5: vs Quincher fc (?:?) &:& 0-2 <>
o2/o6: vs Kel Jaya Vet fc - GAME CANX @ QUOTA PYR X CUKUP -
o9/o6: vs SS3 PJ Vet fc (0:1) @:& 1-2 <>
23/o6: vs KJ SS7 Vet fc (4:1) @:* 5-2 <>
o7/o7: vs Mines Vet fc - GAME CANX @ OPPO LAST MNT 'CHICKEN-OUT' -
14/o7: vs KD11 Vet fc (0:1) @:& 0-3
21/o7: vs KD8 Men Sr fc (2:1) @:& 3-3 <>
o4/o8: vs Sbg II fc (1:1) &:& 2-3 <>
18/o8: vs SS3 PJ fc (2:1) %:% 3-3 <>
25/o8: vs Julien PJ fc (0:0) @:@ 1-1 <>
o1/o9: vs S13 Vet SA fc (1:0) @:& 2-1 <>
26/1o: vs Line 0ne fc (6:0) @:$ 6-0 <>
o1/11: vs RRI Vet fc (1:1) @:! 4-1 <>
23/11: vs ASM fc (1:1) @:& 1-2 <>
22/11: vs Line 11 fc (2:0) !:^ 2-1 <>
28/11: vs ET Utd fc (1:0) =:^ 2-0 <>

14/12: vs Skola-Jepun fc (3:0) @:^ 3-0 <> [**jc baru**]
27/12: vs not RRI Vet fc (1:0) @:^ 4-4 <>

¬¬ g0ldEN b00ts ¬¬
<...bonda o6, janguit 15, edie o8(1p), yunn o9, kojak o7, yeop o2,
ciko o3(1p), kalit(o.g) o1, mandoer o1, carlos o1, botak blehla o9,
chemor blehla o1, man o4(2p), o.g. 2, RRI impot 3...>

¬¬ g0ldEN gl0v3s ¬¬
¬¬¬ @@ sb = 2o/o9 @@ ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ %% eb = o5/o4 %% ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ ++ fu = o3/o2 ** ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ ** jj = o5/o4 ** ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ ## bl = o2/o1 ## ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ && ne = o9/12 && ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ $$ ry = o1/oo $$ ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ !! yb = o2/oo !! ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ ^^ lp = o4/o5 ^^ ¬¬¬ <<>>
¬¬¬ == bt = o1/oo == ¬¬¬ <<>>

14/o7: vs KD11 Vet fc HT:0-1; FT:0-3
a330fc - bapps[najib],kamil[shooq],kalit,fadly,badar,carlos,ciko,yeop,
hazami AV-L10[bonda],bg-lan[janguit],jana[hazami]

21/o7: vs KD8 Men Sr fc HT:2-1; FT:3-3
a330fc - bapps[najib],kamil[shooq],kalit[ciko],fadly[yeop],laden[jingo]

o4/o8: vs Sbg II fc HT:1-1; FT:2-3
a330fc - najib,bg-lan[fadly],yeop,janguit,bada,cemor,carlos,bonda,kalit,
shooq,yunn,man[main 2nd-alf tp x sure ganti siape?]

18/o8: vs SS3 PJ fc HT:2-1; FT:3-3
a330fc - elang,mandoer[shooq],kalit,laden[man],bada,kojak,bg-lan,edie,

25/o8: vs Julien PJ fc HT:0-0; FT:1-1
a330fc - bapps,bg-lan,carlos,hasan,bonda,yeop,ciko,edie,kojak,kalit,

o1/o9: vs S13 Vet SA fc HT:1-0; FT:2-1
a330fc - bapps[najib],brutus[bg-lan],carlos,hasan,bonda,yeop,ciko[janguit],

26/1o: vs Line 0ne fc HT:6-0; FT:6-0
a330fc - bapps[roy],kamil[laden],carlos,hasan[badar],bonda,yeop,yunn,

o1/11: vs RRI Veteran fc HT:1-1; FT:4-1
a330fc - bapps[yiow],kamil[bg-lan],carlos,kalit[fahmi],badar[mandoer],yeop,

14/12: vs Nippon-Skool fc HT:3-0; FT:3-0 @ skola jepang oppo Saujana
a330fc - bapps[landak],kamil[laden],kalit,hasan[fadly],bonda[badar],ciko,

26/12: vs RRI Veteran yg X Veteran fc HT:1-0; FT:4-4
a330fc - bapps[landak],fahmi[laden],carlos,badar[chemor],hasan,yeop,

Thursday, March 01, 2007

...Priceless Tickets

Dear EPL fan, an avid fan,korang misti usaha utk pegi at least satu kali to yer favourite team football match...the experience of watching the EPL game live was beyond explaination... like for me as MU fan,it was realling like dreaming in Theatre of Dreams...furthermore as airlines staff, we've a way to go there esp our gudpren kat pdg pasir yg dah lebat poketnyer...try yer very best to go to yer favourite ground...pegi beb,jgn x pegi...
- mufc83 -

Monday, February 26, 2007

Result a330fc @ games 23/02 & 16/02

Memandangkan Fahmees bz dgn ot so bagi pihak dia,aku tlong update result airbus last Fri,23/2 & osso the reason why game Fri,16/2 ended up with pukulan TKO fm Yeop...

...Games last Fri,23/2 vs Line 0ne sebijik macam game Fulham vs MU last Sat,24/ we played "away" kat pdg E [memandangkan all 3 pdg - A,B,C closed for skool sports day preparation]...altho we won 2-0 [skorer-Ciko & Janguit] tapi ari tuu aderlah ari bodho lagi bebal for airbus!!! [like i said, macam MU ler @ Craven Cottage] usual,hanya ader 2 subs ptg tuu @ Bg Lan & Badar Blehla...70% of the game controlled by L1 but they didn't capitalise their chances whilst Janguit live-up to his tagline "like Andy Cole" needs 5 chances to skor 1 gol!!!...

...TKO - Geng Jahat @ Transmile ptg tuu maii lambat; dah ler lambat,xde jc plak tuu!!! [slalunyer depa pakai jc oren] so game start mmg lambat giler - around 1830-1840hr & depa told ref "favorite Jonie" yg kurreeng cerdik tuu @ Arun jes to play 1 half...x prob,kite org ok je tapi siang2X lagi depa dah main keras [i.e the "1st customer" yg kene, Yeop ler!] tapi masa tuu airbus blum panas lagi,
al-maklum ler bila main bola, oppo x pakai jc memang blurr skit nak main we still steady je main tapi since game ni xde halftime utk pyr merehatkan minda yg panasnyer tgh build-up[as x dapat diredakan since x break] so "pressure yg build-up remains at hi-point" thing leads to another; a few miss/bad/late tackles diakhiri dgn one solid tackles fm behind by Yeop,mamat yg kene [pakai baju Portugal!] tuu retaliate so aper lagi Yeop pun trus men"tko"kan mamat yg malang n ref yg kurrenng tuu pun trus blow wisel...the rest remained usual,game ni pun ader 2 subs je; Bg Lan & Mandoer kot...(?)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Vs No TeaM

That's it.. no game last week, no game this week. Last week we play FuTsaL
@ RiO and this week FutsaL @ RiO. Busy at workplace. Last week hurt
my ankle during the FutsAL session. Main FutSal nak enjoy ada jugak yg
bersungguh2 dan ganas. Aduh!!... sampai sekarang tak OK lagi kaki aku.
May next week we have an opponent.
A330 vs TransMile last week.. belum habis game Yeob berjaya menumbuk
pemain pasukan lawan.
Wargh kah kah.. lawaknya! We play football to enjoy la...
kenapa nak gaduh2 kan tak elok tu. Anyway the score is 2-0. Yon yg score.
StrikeR buncit missed chance berkali2 depan gol. HamPeH!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

DrRoy in QaTaR

Guys! Our beloved RoY in QaTaR have a blog of his own. U guys can read his
story or chat with him if u are a Yahoo360's member. Pls click on the link below to read the nice and sad story of RoY and all his frenz in the
Middle East. Rindu kat bau KenTuT dia... he..he..he...

Sunday, February 11, 2007



09 Februari - VS A330 FC 2-3 Gebang, BoTaK
31 Januari - VS APPRENTICE FC 2- 0 Chek, BoTaK
10 Januari - VS ESA FC 1-2 Yon
04 Januari - VS LineElevenFC 3-1 Yon,Faiz Gebang(p)

2 goals - Yon,GeBang(1p),BoTaK
1 goal - Faiz, CheK

A330 FC TABLE 2007


09 Februari - VS BolehLa FC 3-2 Yeop,Faiz,Eddie
02 FebRuari - VS APP FC 1-1 FaizKojek
19 Januari - VS RRI FC 2-1 JanGGuT(2)
12 Januari - VS LineElevenFC 1-0 Yon
05 Januari - VS Hotel Concorde 5-0 Bonda(2), Janggut(2) Eddie.

4 goals - Janggut
2 goals - Bonda, Yon, Faiz,Eddie
1 goal - Yeop

VerSuS A330

Game yg menyeronokkan ialah bila BolehLa FC vs A330 FC. "Adik lawan Abang", kata Abg Lan. Semua orang enjoy,walaupun pada mulanya hujan sgt lebat. Game start bila hujan reda sket.
Seperti biasa, permainan dikuasai oleh A330 dikedua2 half. Namun begitu semangat BolehLa tak boleh diperktikaikan dan mereka berjaya menjaringkan 2 gol menerusi Gebang dan Botak.
A330 yg mendahului 1-0 dlm first half, mendapat 3 gol menerusi Yeop, Faiz Kojak and Eddie.
Kapten Moon turun sebagai striker di First half dan bertukar ke MidField di Second Half. Beliau cuba bermain dgn baik utk menarik perhatian boyfren barunya Tim yg turut bermain di FirstHalf. Tim yg dtg dari America tu lebih pandai bermain bontot Moon dari bermain BolaSepaK.
Oleh kerana Lang tak dpt dtg, Ayoi menjadi KeepeR di First half dan Yiow di second half.
Pasal tu la, Gol senang2 masuk dibabak ke2.


BOLEHLA FC: yiow,chemor,chek,fahmi,wakGer,adik wakGer,helmy(app).mimi(app),ayoi, gebang,botak,moon,wakAjis,najib,sapri,Tim(org putih),PoG dan AmiN

A330 FC: Bapu,AbgLan,VanDamme, Apis,Bonda,Jang,SuziKamil,Asan,Lie,Yeop,Edie,Faiz,
CikKaleT danJangguT.